Okay, this idea has several elements, but the over all goal and prime directive is to reduce the size of my temple. This Budda’s got back baby. I’m, gonna edit my patterns of behavior, specifically the way I eat (bad) and the way I exercise (don’t). In an effort to keep on track and review my failure or success I’ll document it daily and share it with friends, family and John Q. to garnish support, and share the process. I guess one of the things I hope to accomplish is to prove to myself I can do it, but also to give others an example, if not an attractive one, of the process.
Way back sometime I saw a really cool time-lapse video of a house being uprooted and moved to a new location. In collage I saw a video talking about a guy who decided to take a picture of him self every hour, on the hour, for a year. This meant he never got more than 59 minutes of sleep, and was never away from his house for more than an hour. When the photos were put together in a flip deck it was incredible the way his appearance changed, not only his hair growing and being cut, but the physical effects the life style had on his face. No flipping way I’m going to do that, but I will attempt to take a photo once a day, weigh myself and check my blood pressure. Maybe I’ll add some other things to document. Price of gas maybe: ) By all means send me suggestions.